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polite commands造句

"polite commands"是什么意思  
  • Besides negotiations and polite commands, the central government has little power to enforce the move.
  • They also issued polite commands to the audience, like " Would the ladies please remove their hats ?"
  • Beginners in a predominantly Haitian afternoon class at the agency, for example, were learning polite commands like " Please give me my change " from Irina Logrivinova, 27, who said she was in an English class for foreigners herself only six years ago, when she arrived from Russia.
  • It's difficult to see polite commands in a sentence. 用polite commands造句挺难的
如何用polite commands造句,用polite commands造句polite commands in a sentence, 用polite commands造句和polite commands的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。